Saturday, October 25, 2008

Analysis Diagram vs Design Diagram

What is the difference between the diagram in Analysis Phase with the diagram in the Design Phase?
In Software Engineering, essentially Analysis closer to the Requirement and Design closer to Implementation.
Thus, the consequences:
  • When do the analysis, first, do not think too various possibility, just spill to the analysis of all the requirement, especially when we make Class Analysis. Then when we design, refine them, which classes that need to be combined or separated, which the Boundary/Entity Class that need Controller Class.
  • The other clear difference is the message in the Sequence Diagram in Analysis Phase still form the clause, but in the Diagram Phase is a message function/attribute that represents the language (web using underscore, which Java with Camel)
So, to refine this Class Analysis Diagram, all of team member should gather again to collect their class and stare with that big Complete Class Analysis to make any change and adaptation each other.

Well, it seems only.OK
don't forget them!

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